Robbinsdale Area Schools
High School
Student painting art project

Believe in your potential. Belong to a community.

Discover your talent and passion for the arts.

Students working on laptops in the library

Become who you are meant to be.

Our students have limitless possibilities, and we strive to ignite the potential in every student.

Cooper High School

Our mission is to provide a caring community where our students learn to become active, compassionate, principled critical thinkers.

Hawk Family Strong!

Principal's Welcome

Tools for families

Make an online payment, get help with your Parent Portal, and learn about community resources.

Full Service Community Schools

Full service community schools promote academic excellence by offering an array of  health and social services to students, families and community.



Prepare for your future

Counselors and staff can help students with educational planning, personal and social growth, career planning and decision making.

Technology levy renewal

Learn more about the levy renewal. Don't forget: election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Athletics, Activities & Fine Arts

Discover your passion

Fine arts • Athletics • Clubs

School Calendar

School News

Don Crabtree Distinguished Service Award

DJ Brynteson has been the Cooper Debate coach for well over 20 years and has accumulated a number of awards and honors over those years. 

DJ is the recent recipient of the Don Crabtree Distinguished Service Award given by the National Speech & Debate Association. 

Cooper Fan Store

The online Cooper Hawks Fan store is open all year round, 24/7! Items ship directly to your door in 7-10 days from order date. Get some new gear for the new year! Password to the site is: hawks

A Midsummer Night's Dream Disaster...The Show Must Go On

Cooper Theatre presents its fall play, an original production, coming up December 4 (preview performance), 5, 6, and 7. Click here for more information about the show and how to purchase tickets.

Happening Now