AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college readiness program designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in college. The AVID program was started in Robbinsdale Area Schools in 2006-07 and currently serves students in grades 7-12 at Plymouth Middle, Robbinsdale Middle, Sandburg Middle, Armstrong High School and Cooper High School.
The program is designed to increase overall academic performance, success in rigorous curriculum, and participation in activities at school. AVID helps students become better educated, responsible citizens and leaders in society.
Applying for AVID for Grades 9-12
Interested current high school students are encouraged to apply throughout the year and should reach out to their AVID coordinator with questions. Students are interviewed and, if accepted, enrolled in the program as space becomes available. Applications are available at Armstrong, Cooper and the link below. Students must have a completed teacher recommendation and participate in an interview to be considered for admission.
Contact: AVID Coordinators
Amanda Lieser
AVID Coordinator & Co-District Director
Cooper High School
Phone: 763-504-8537 | Fax: 763-504-8531